Thursday, July 14, 2011

Go Fly a Kite

If you want to try a fun easy kite, try this. It is a simple kite that takes a piece of paper, tape, a plastic bag, and a coffee stirrer. Super simple and loads of fun. I will try and post a picture later - we were having too much fun for me to remember my camera!

We did this today at the library and found out that wrapping the string around a 3x5 card, folded in half worked well for the string. You can slip a pencil inside to allow you to let out the string easily.

If you flew these kites, what did you discover? Tell us about your adventure.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Sun and Shadows

Here some ideas for summer fun in the sun with learning. And here is one new idea that we will be trying later in the summer.

Solar oven: Line a kitchen bowl with foil. Put poster tack in the bottom. This holds the food in place. Stick a marshmallow on it and cover the bowl with plastic wrap. Use rocks or sand to position the bowl so the marshmallow is facing the sun. Let it sit about 15 minutes. Check to see if marshmallow is soft. If not, go another 15 minutes. The plastic wrap holds in the sun’s rays and cook the marshmallow.